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Typical Malaga food and restaurants where to try it

At Homeabout we compile the six most typical dishes of Malaga and include some of the restaurants in the city where you can try them.


Espeto is a typical dish from Malaga that consists of skewering fish, traditionally sardines, on thin and long rods, to roast it with firewood on the sand of the beach.

Restaurant: Chiringuito Rocamar
Address: Paseo Marítimo Antonio Machado

Porra antequerana

The porra antequerana, also known locally as cold porra or porra crúa, is a typical cold soup from Antequera, an Andalusian city, and also from Malaga.

Restaurant: Almijara casual bar
Address: Pasaje de San Fernando, 3


Ajoblanco is a very popular cold soup in the gastronomy of Andalusia and Extremadura. It is made up of bread, ground almonds, garlic, water, olive oil, salt and sometimes vinegar.

Restaurant: La Deriva
Address: Alameda de Colón, 7

Conchas finas

This shell is a kind of giant clam that, when eaten raw, is a burst of saline freshness on the palate.

Restaurant: Marisquería Doramar
Address: C/ Emilio Díaz, 46

Fried anchovies

Fried anchovies are a traditional Andalusian dish that is also very popular in Malaga, where the anchovies are usually smaller and can be eaten whole.

Restaurant: Los Mellizos
Address: C/ Sancha de Lara, 7

Tortas locas

The torta loca is a typical sweet from the province of Malaga. It began to be elaborated by Eduardo Rubio at the end of the 50s of the last century.

Restaurant: Tejeros
Address: C/ Obispo Salvador de los Reyes, 7

Our accommodations are located in the heart of Malaga, a perfect option to visit the city for a few days and participate in any of these activities, as well as being able to walk to the best areas of museums, restaurants and life nocturnal

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